そしてすべては夢だった。All Was Just a Dream

Exactly a week has passed since the opening of the exhibit in New York, and I am thrilled to have many customers appreciating my works.  Many of them come up to me to ask what my concept is, and if there are any particular theme for this exhibit, so I want to open up with this conversation today.
●Key Concept
Simply put, my main source of inspiration is ‘yin and yang’,  Chinese philosophy used to describe how opposite or contrary forces are actually complimentary. I developed this concept through my years of drawing, and of all the experiences I built up before becoming an artist.
To me, life is build up of light and darkness. Happiness can be seen thanks to the sorrow and pain, and the sky is bright because there is nighttime. I am certain that the dark side of life is the real key to fulfillment in life, and one can not live without the other, just like day and night.
To conclude, I want to put the darkness to light. That is my concept for drawing and of life itself.
●The Two Opposites
So when I thought of theme about this New York exhibit, I began from the process of how the city reflects on me. I have this image that New York is for people dreaming for the stars, to aim for a certain goal, and keep on chasing till you achieve it. In a way, its totally transparent. At the same time though, this city is realistic in every aspect; in other words, you need solid money and the right connections in order to survive and realize your dreams.
Therefore, New York consists of two opposite sides; its transparent side and the realistic side. And for this exhibit, that was what I wanted to express, the “shooting for the star” kind of surrealism and the down-to-earth practical solidness.
●Walking on Water
For example, the below is titled “Walking on Water”.
“We are fleeting from one dream to the next, not knowing whether we are living a reality or a dream; it is like trying to walk on water.”
Total 19 pieces are shown at the exhibit, each referring to the exhibition title ‘All Was Just a Dream’. I dearly hope all of those who are in New York at this time till the end of October will have the opportunity to drop by.
For information on the venue, please refer below:
2016.9.27 Tuesday(*KAYO-BI)
Kayo Nomura

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